Podiatrist Blog

  • Don't Let Your Exercise Plan Fail
    Are you one of those people who started all enthusiastic about your new exercise routine, and then gave up or were forced to give up much earlier than expected? Don’t Read more
  • New Year Brings New Resolutions for Your Feet
    This New Year, let’s resolve to be more careful and protective of our feet. While many of you would be all set for your get-in-shape plans, don’t forget that your Read more
  • Treat Your Feet This Holiday Season
    This time of the year is filled with the joys of holidays, food and presents! While you soak up all the happiness, don’t forget your feet have been holding you Read more
  • Are High Arches Holding You Down?
    High arches are not always painful; however, if they are causing you trouble, you should not ignore the signs your feet are giving you and seek professional help right away. Read more
  • 4 Easy Ways To Treat Achilles Tendonitis
    The Achilles tendon is the muscle running down your calf and connecting it to your heel. This tendon is what keeps you running, walking or even standing. An overuse injury Read more
  • Healthy Feet and Happy Holiday Shopping
    With the holiday season coming up and all the sales kicking off, attracting crowds to shopping stores and malls, make sure your feet are well-equipped to keep you running throughout Read more
  • Autumn Brings Closed Shoes and Women Woes
    At the onset of the winter season, we put away our open-toed shoes and replace them with closed footwear. This time of the year can be very tricky for our Read more
  • What You Need to Know about Diabetic Foot Care
    It is crucial that you care for your feet when you have diabetes. After all, for patients with diabetes, foot infections can quickly result in more serious health concerns, and Read more
  • The Link Between Your Diet and Your Foot Health
    What you eat has a direct impact on your body, especially the feet. It is important to know how the food you eat can affect your feet in a variety Read more
  • Are Your Heels Hurting?
    Are you experiencing pain in your heels and is that causing difficulty in walking? There are many reasons for heel pain, and knowing the root cause for your pain is Read more
  • Signs of Diabetes That You Should Know
    This November, we at Joseph Stuto, DPM are working hard to make our patients aware of the epidemic that is spread all over the globe, i.e. diabetes. During this Diabetes Read more
  • Why Do Ankle Sprains Occur and What Can You Do About Them?
    Your ankles are complicated structures of bones, muscles, ligaments, and tendons. A sprain occurs when one or more of these ligaments become overstretched or torn due to some abnormal foot Read more
  • Are Calluses Causing You Trouble?
    Calluses occur when the skin, usually at the heels or under the joint of your big toe, becomes rough, hard and then cracks open due to dryness. If left unattended, Read more
  • 3 Reasons Why Toenail Fungus Comes Back
    Fungus thrives in warm and moist places like gyms, pool showers and even the space inside your shoes. Closed areas restrict the moisture from drying up, thereby creating a breeding Read more
  • Know What Is Causing You Arch Pain?
    We have heard how complex the structure of our feet is. But did you know that the arch too has an intricate structure layered with muscles and tissues? Two ligaments Read more
  • Reduce Fall Risk Among the Elderly
    Did you know that falls are the leading factor behind fatal and non-fatal injuries among senior citizens? At Joseph Stuto, DPM, we want to make sure that our senior patients Read more

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