Don’t Let Progressing Age Slow You Down

Don’t Let Progressing Age Slow You Down

September is Pain Awareness Month. It’s a great time for us at Joseph Stuto, DPM to ensure that our senior patients are aware of what challenges lie ahead for them so that they are well equipped to overcome them gracefully if and when the time comes.

Here are the four most commonly observed issues that are encountered by aging feet:

  • Boney protrusions, also known as “Bunions”, tend to push the big toe inwards over time. This may become painful if the condition aggravates and is left unattended. Our foot specialist Dr. Joseph Stuto strongly recommends the use of customized orthotic inserts and pads to control this condition.
  • With a lifetime of wear and tear, the bones in our feet also become prone to “Arthritis”. Symptoms of this condition include stiffness in the joints and the ankles as the cartilage between the bones disappears. However, our experts have several restorative treatments to reduce pain and help with mobility issues associated with this disease.
  • Diabetes is the most widespread and common issue encountered with increasing age. With diabetes, the blood circulation becomes restricted which may cause swelling and nerve damage in your feet. Effective measures to prevent aggravation of this disease include light but regular exercise, compression therapy, and a healthy diet. Contact our offices at Brooklyn and Brooklyn Heights, NY for information and appointments.
  • As the bones start to lose their strength, they become porous and more prone to breaking due to falls and trips. This condition is known as “Osteoporosis” and can affect both males and females. However, both can beat the pain with proper diagnosis and medication.

Don’t let the weight of these foot problems burden your feet. Consult our podiatrists by calling us at (718) 624-7537 or visit our offices for a thorough examination and treatment of your foot ailments. Regardless of age, but with care and precaution, your feet will take you a long way.

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