Use Safety Precautions When Prepping Food at Home

Use Safety Precautions When Prepping Food at Home

Current times have forced people to stay indoors. One of the benefits of staying at home is being able to enjoy quality time with your family and loved ones. This includes exercise routines, family television, and fun mealtimes. 

Prepping food is an exciting activity that can engage all family members to work together. However, doctors at the Stuto Foot Specialist Podiatry urge you to be careful while working in the kitchen.

Here are a few simple safety precautions to take:

  • Always wash your hands thoroughly before you start working. Make sure other members of your family do the same if they are helping in the kitchen as well.

  • Wear shoes or non-slip slippers while working. A variety of stuff, including vegetables, slippery peels, sharply pointed cutlery like forks and knives, can fall and injure your feet.

  • Watch out for water on the floor, especially if it is soapy. Trips and falls can be avoided if you keep the floor dry and mop it frequently.

  • The hot steam from dishwashers can also burn or damage the skin of your feet. Shoes or socks are, therefore, a must to wear in the kitchen.

  • If your young ones are helping out in the meal preparation process, you should keep knives away from their reach. Cutting and dicing can be done in advance. Or you may ask your children to observe from a safe distance.

  • Wash your vegetables and fruits before using them. Soaking them in baking soda for at least ten to fifteen minutes also helps in killing the germs.

If you or your loved ones accidentally encounter a foot or ankle injury while cooking, seek medical assistance from our board-certified podiatrist Dr. Joseph Stuto right away. Call us at either of our two offices in Brooklyn, NY, at (718) 624-7537 or (718) 567-1403 or make an online appointment at your convenience.

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