Men with Diabetes – Pay Attention to Your Feet!

Men with Diabetes – Pay Attention to Your Feet!

Studies have revealed that men with diabetes are less likely to exercise precaution and more likely to ignore the advice of their podiatrists. This June, at Joseph Stuto, DPM as we celebrate Men’s Health Month, we urge you to focus on your health, especially your feet!

With diabetes, the worst threat is that of an injury or a callus becoming infected due to poor healing capability. If the infection is not caught in time, it could lead to amputation in severe cases.

Here are some useful tips to keep in mind to protect your feet:

  • Avoid walking barefoot, especially in moist and damp places. Wearing shoes will prevent exposure to fungal infections that may affect your toenails and skin as well. Chances of cuts or injuries are also reduced with adequate footwear.
  • Examining your feet is very important. Look out for any cuts or wounds that you may not be aware of due to poor blood circulation or loss of sensation in the feet and ankles.
  • Keep a lookout for ingrown toenails, which can be extremely painful and can become infected with pus if not treated timely. Keep your nails short, and if you develop ingrown toenails, see your podiatrist immediately.
  • Watch out for skin infections as well, especially between the toes. Diabetes can make your skin dry and flaky, which, if it deteriorates, can turn into infectious cuts and cause bleeding.
  • Hygiene is important – feet should always be clean and dry. In case of dry skin type, using a good moisturizer is advised. Avoid restrictive shoes and socks that may cause excessive sweating.

If you notice any unusual conditions on your feet like swelling, redness or blisters, or suffer any injuries like cuts, sprains or fractures, visit Dr. Joseph Stuto, our board-certified podiatrist right away. Call us at our offices conveniently located in Brooklyn Heights (718) 624-7537 and Brooklyn (718) 567-1403 for more information.


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