3 Reasons Why Toenail Fungus Comes Back

3 Reasons Why Toenail Fungus Comes Back

Fungus thrives in warm and moist places like gyms, pool showers and even the space inside your shoes. Closed areas restrict the moisture from drying up, thereby creating a breeding ground for fungi.

At Joseph Stuto, DPM, we have identified three reasons why your toenail infection may reappear, despite getting treatment:

  1. Contact with Fungi: Even if you have treated your fungal toenails, the infection could return if your feet are exposed to fungi again. Avoid going barefoot into public showers and changing rooms. If you wear closed shoes, spray them with antiseptics or antifungal sprays to kill any bacteria that may be accumulating inside. Also, wash your feet regularly, spray them with antiseptics and keep them dry to stop the fungi from getting inside your toenails.
  2. Incomplete treatment: At times, the fungus tends to settle underneath the toenail or deposit in the area between the skin and the toenails. With over-the-counter solutions, the fungal infection may seem to go away. However, there is a possibility that some residue is still present in the toenails. That may require some advanced treatment involving passing a laser beam over the infected nails and surrounding skin.
  3. A weak immune system: Usually patients with diabetes or blood circulation issues have slow healing capabilities and are more likely to contract infections like toenail fungus. If you have such a condition, you need to be extra careful and keep examining your feet for any unusual changes. Visit your podiatrist frequently to address your foot concerns so that any infection can be caught well in time.

If your fungal toenail issue persists or you feel that the fungus may be coming back, schedule an appointment with our highly experienced and qualified podiatrist Dr. Joseph Stuto for examination and treatment options. Our offices are located in Brooklyn Heights (718) 624-7537 and Brooklyn (718) 567-1403, New York for your convenience. To keep you informed and equipped in making better decisions regarding your health and well-being, visit our extensive patient library and blogs section.

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