Identifying Foot Problems in Children - Brooklyn Podiatrist - Joseph Stuto, DPM

Identifying Foot Problems in Children - Brooklyn Podiatrist - Joseph Stuto, DPM

Foot problems can develop during our childhood years. This is why parents should take special attention and check their children’s foot for anything unusual. Simple things to remember is to always buy properly fitting shoes to prevent foot and toe deformities. Foot problems may go undetected in children simply because they are unaware of their condition or unable to express how they feel.

So to help parents identify if their child is suffering from a foot problem, here are points that suggests if your child is suffering from a foot condition. If you believe that your child is experiencing any of these symptoms, then it’s best to consult a foot specialist or podiatrist. Dr. Joseph Stuto is a podiatrist who specializes in helping children with foot conditions.

Your child has trouble keeping up with his playmates – difficulty in handling physical activities at home and at school could be an indication of a foot problem. Trouble keeping up with their playmates could be a subtle signal of a foot condition.

Your child complains of never ending pain or swelling from his foot – chronic pain and inflammation in the foot is a clear indication of a foot problem, immediately consult a podiatrist.

Your child is not comfortable showing his feet to anyone, even their parent – if you notice your child wearing shoes at home and overly conscious about their feet. 

Your child is reluctant to participate from activities he usually enjoys – children who suddenly stop participating in physical activities such as those that involve heavy use of their feet such as running or jumping.

Your child has a tendency for repeated clumsiness – this can be an indication that your child is having difficulties with their motor abilities.

Your child is not comfortable wearing shoes – physical deformity or chronic pain in the foot makes wearing one an uncomfortable experience.

Your child’s feet are always sweaty and smelly – sweat is an excellent breeding ground for infections. Fungal infections in particular causes smelly feet.

Uneven shoe wear – this indicated that weight is evenly spread on the foot or your child is favoring one foot over the other. This could be an indication of a foot deformity.

Your child complains of pain on his toenails - ingrown could also be present in children. Improper nail trimming can cause the development of a toe ingrown.

Purchasing properly fitting footwear is a simple way to prevent foot problems in children. Our feet undergo tremendous growth in our childhood years that anything that could prevent its normal formation could have a lasting effect in our later years.

At our practice located in Brooklyn, NY, we specialize in helping children with developmental foot problems. To schedule an appointment call 718-624-7537.


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