The Role of Arch Support in Heel Pain Management

The Role of Arch Support in Heel Pain Management

Suffering from heel pain? Your arches might be to blame. Learn more in this guide from the team at Stuto Foot Specialist Podiatry in Brooklyn Heights, NY.

What Role Does Arch Support Play in Heel Pain Management?

Heel pain is a common issue that can be caused by many different issues. One of the most common is problems with the arches of the feet. What types of arch problems cause heel pain? How do they cause heel pain? And what can be done about it? The experts at Stuto Foot Specialist Podiatry in Brooklyn Heights, NY answer these questions and more below.

Understanding the Role of Arches 

Your feet have a natural arch that serves many purposes, including the following.

  • It supports the weight of your body.
  • It helps propel you forward as you run or walk as it is connected and works with the tendons, ligaments, and bones of the feet.
  • It absorbs the shock your foot sustains when it touches the ground.

Unfortunately, many people suffer from issues in their arches that prevent them from doing the jobs they are designed to do. This can lead to many different issues and injuries, including heel pain, as the lack of support and shock absorption puts undue pressure on the foot’s various components.

Types of Arch Issues That Cause Heel Pain 

One of the top causes of heel pain is plantar fasciitis, and flat arches tend to be the top cause of this condition. The plantar fascia is a band of connective tissue on the bottom of the foot that runs from the toes to the heels. Having fallen arches or flat feet puts undue pressure on this band, causing inflammation and heel pain.

Overpronation is another top cause of heel pain due to arch issues. In this condition, the lack of support in the arches causes the foot to roll inward, which puts stress on the Achilles tendon. This tendon connects the calf muscles to the heel bone. When the Achilles tendon is damaged or inflamed, it causes heel pain.

Treatment for Arch Issues 

Though the issues mentioned above are just two examples, they show how a lack of normal arches can lead to heel pain. The best way to address arch issues is to visit your podiatrist for custom orthotics, which are designed specifically for your feet. They ensure you have the proper amount of support, distribute weight evenly, and provide stability – all of which reduce the likelihood of heel pain and potential injuries.

Leave heel pain behind by scheduling an appointment with the team at Stuto Foot Specialist Podiatry in Brooklyn Heights, NY at (718) 624-7537.

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